As of now, I've decided to put Satanic Pandemonium on hold, at least for the month of December. This will really be the first time I've taken a break from this site since October of 2012 (!). A lot of this has to do with other things I'm working on and deadlines that are quickly coming up in the next four or five weeks: I'm a writer and editor for Diabolique Magazine, and we're just gearing up to come back in print; my podcast, Daughters of Darkness, is in the middle of an Elio Petri retrospective and we're prepping for an exciting recording session in January; I'm contributing to and editing a book whose manuscript is due soon (more about that in the new year); I'm still working on my WWII book, which will hopefully be out next year; and I have two essays due soon for other publications. All the things.
I'm also thinking it might be time for a name change for this blog, which is something I seem to do every five years or so, since I'm not really good with the whole long term commitment thing. Additionally, my domain expired and Google is making it really difficult to reinstate, so there are suddenly tons of broken links (though all the content is still here, you just have to search for it). So, it just seems like a good time to take a break, though my British horror series will continue in January, but under a new name (which I'll link to here when I have the site together), and I hope everyone has a more relaxing holiday season than I am likely to!